about us

Shoopinsider is your ultimate guide to purchasing the best products. Our dedicated team of experts conducts thorough research and reads reviews in trusted places, ensuring that you receive comprehensive information. We meticulously test every product on reliable websites, providing you with trustworthy conclusions. Despite our rigorous testing standards, our reviews are presented in clear and straightforward English, making the advice easily comprehensible and reliable. Count on Shoopinsider to equip you with all the essential knowledge needed for making informed buying decisions in the best places.


Born from a print magazine that launched in 1987, shoopinsider isn’t an upstart, but a brand with a 34-year history of testing and reviewing products. Our dedicated staff work hard to bring you the latest reviews from the top manufacturers, so the advice we give is always up to date.

Quality reviews

We don’t pull our punches and our guarantee to you is that our reviews are correct and the conclusions are based on fact. It’s our promise that if we say a product is good, then it is good. All of our reviews come to definitive conclusions, too: if we don’t think a product is worth buying, we tell you which one you should buy. While we don’t shy away from complex and high-end products, we’ll always write our reviews in clear, straightforward English to simplify the buying decision.

Proper testing

our team of experts performs in-depth testing on each product that arrives in our labs. We push every bit of kit to its limits so that we can honestly sort the bad from the good.


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